September 13, 2017

Sales is a screening process

“Find out as soon as possible whether the person in front of you sees the value in what you do, or just the cost.” (Blaise Brosnan)

One of the most influential people in my business career is a business consultant based here in Ireland. I could drop a nugget of his every single day, and then expand on it with my own stories.

The line above was a BIG aha moment for me back in 2009.

I was on a Management Development Programme with 20 other business owners and entrepreneurs.

A lawyer asked Blaise how long to spend trying to close a prospect and make a sale.

I paid attention as even back then I was spending a lot of time adding value to each person who came into contact with me.

Blaise told us to find out as soon as possible whether the person in front of you saw the value in what you do, or just the cost.

“If they didn’t see the value then move on. Someone up the road is waiting to bite your hand off and every minute longer you spend trying to convince the person in front of you is a minute wasted.”

“Sales is a screening process.” (Blaise Brosnan)

You’re a business owner too. Your own time is valuable.

If your service or product adds value and someone doesn’t see it, then don’t spend too long trying to change their mind.  

Of course you could find out what they do see the value in (and consider offering it or pointing them in the right direction), but sometimes the person in front of you has the scarcity mindset and those red flags are a sign they’re going to be a problematic client.

Dodge the bullet.

Keep moving.

Have an abundance mindset.

You’re their peer, not their servant.

Go go go.